Clearpass - Access Tracker


Using Clearpass Access Tracker



The Access Tracker can be used to see what  is locking people out of their accounts. It's pretty helpful. This can be found in Clearpass at

In short, it creates a log any time someone attempts to authenticate to our network, and records whether it succeeds or fails. It will show the user account, the mac address, status, and an error code if it fails.  


Viewing Access Tracker

  1. Go to

  2. Login as admin (credentials are in last pass) 

  3. Click on Menu in the top-right and select Policy Manager 

  4. Select Monitoring from the Blue Tabs 

  5. Select Access Tracker 

This will show a list of every login attempt ever attempted. If you want to search for why someone is being locked out, you can search their username in the top. Make sure the filter says username, and then type in their username and select Go. Look for the Red Rejects 


If you find one, click on it and select Alerts. Look at the error code. It will tell you why it is not connecting. It should also give you information regarding what device it might be (i.e. SmartDevice / Apple / Apple iPhone).  There will also be a link to Airwave where you can see the exact AP it's trying to connect to, or was last seen on. 





Article ID: 120448
Mon 11/16/20 11:27 AM
Mon 9/27/21 4:30 PM
IT Staff