Loaner Checkout Process
Below is all the information that you should know to loan out equipment. Student Workers must get approval from a Full Time Service Desk employee before they loan equipment.
Who is able to loan?
Currently, only Staff/Faculty are able to loan equipment from North Central University's IT Department. We do not have enough equipment to support loaning to the students. Student Workers are only able to loan equipment with approval from their supervisor.
Loan Terms
- Unless an exception is granted, all loaned equipment must be returned to the IT Service Desk by close of business the same day.
- If arranged equipment loan is overnight, the employee agrees to store the equipment in a secure location.
- Exceptions or loan extensions will not exceed one week.
- Equipment is available on a first-come, first-served basis and all request are subject to IT approval and to equipment availability. Unfortunately, not all request will be granted.
- Use of equipment must be limited to North Central University academic and administrative functions.
- Stolen or misplaced equipment should be reported to university security and IT immediately.
Equipment that can be loaned
- Laptops
- Projectors
- Adapters
- Chargers
- Extra monitor
- Webcam
- Can only be loaned for 2 hour max.
- Wireless mouse/keyboard
- Presenters
Loaner Procedure
- Ensure a ticket has been created for the loaned device.
- Ensure the asset has been added to the ticket (Select the asset tab)
- Ensure asset is prepared, charged, and working.
- Email/call user stating that the equipment is ready for pickup and find out how long they plan to loan device for (no longer than a week).
- When the user picks up the device, set the ticket to be loaned for designated loan time.
- When the user returns device, close the ticket as resolved.
- If the designated time passes, call/emil user and request they return equipment.