Swivl Troubleshooting Guide


LED Guide

Next to Arrow:

  • Solid Red: Bluetooth Not Connected.
  • Flashing Red: Bluetooth Ready to Pair.
  • Solid Green: Bluetooth Connected.

In this case, the "bluetooth" refers to the Swivl Marker. If the light is solid red, the Marker is not connected to the Swivl. Often times this just means that the marker is not turned on. On the rare occasion, it can be the marker is no longer paired with the Swivl. See Pairing Marker with Swivl section below on how to repair the marker. 

Next to Power Button:

  • Solid Red: On, unconnected to marker
  • Flashing Red: Low Battery or lost connection.
  • Solid Green: On, connected to marker.

If the light is flashing red, then the Marker has been disconnected from the Swivl. Often times this means that the Swivl app was not opened on the iPad. If this happens, plug the Marker back into the back of the Swivl, launch the Swivl app, wait for the light to turn green, then pull the marker out. 


Marker Guide

If a marker decides it just no longer wants to work with a Swivl, you may need to unpair the current marker from the Swivl and repair a new one. This is how you do this:

1. Reset the Swivl by holding the + sign and pushing the power button 4 times. The light next to the + button will flash, then go solid.

2. Place the new marker in the back of the swivl. Wait for it to pair. If it doesn't want to pair, open the Swivl App and look for any pop ups or notifications.

Here is a video guide





Article ID: 134791
Tue 7/27/21 12:52 PM
Mon 9/27/21 4:33 PM
IT Staff