Troubleshooting: Repetitive Lockouts


If a user keeps getting locked out, read this article to learn how to troubleshoot the issue.


Repetitive Locked Out?

If a user keeps getting locked out, troubleshoot the issue with them by following these steps:

  • Did the user recently change their password?
    • If yes, did they forget the network on all of their devices? You might need to show them how. Also let them know that it could be another person's device that is locking them out if they ever logged into another person's device (example: used a friend's computer because the user's computer stopped working).
    • If no, let them know that they either tried to login too many times, or a device is remembering their old password. Ask for their username, create a ticket for them (NCU Accounts form), and ask Aaron to check their devices to see if anything is locking the user's account.
  • If they are receiving an error that a user could not be found (or something like that), help them with a password reset.



Article ID: 89672
Fri 10/18/19 1:04 PM
Fri 10/18/19 1:11 PM
IT Staff