How To: Remote Support Using RescueAssist

Tags remote admin

If you are off-campus and need an administrator password, IT will request you to use a tool called RescueAssist to allow us to remote into your computer. This tool is a one-use tool that will also allow us to set up and configure a couple settings within Zoom and a VPN client that we are setting up. These configurations will assist us to better assist you in the future while working from home. 

Receiving Remote Support

In order to receive the remote support, you will need to download and launch the RescueAssist client. The IT Technician will direct you through these steps, but if you would like to review them, they have been provided in detail below:

1. Go to

2. Enter your name and the 9 digit ID provided by the IT technician.

3. Once connected, you will see a chatbox on your screen. Click on the Yellow Download Application button.

     - There is also an End Session button on this page which will allow you to terminate the remote session.

4. The client will be downloaded. Once it has finished, run the application to allow the technician to see and control your screen. 

5. The technician will then need to enable Admin Mode. This will allow them to access the Administrative boxes to enter the admin credentials. Without this mode, they will be unable to access these boxes and will not be able to best assist you. When this mode is activated, you will receive a confirmation box. Please select Allow. 

6. The session will restart in Admin Mode. 

At this time, the Technician may ask to make configurations within Zoom and our VPN Client. Please allow them to complete these quick configurations as this will allow us the best assist you during these times of working remotely. This will allow us to do all that we need to do within Zoom should you need to contact us in the future. 

Requesting Assistance

For assistance with RescueAssist call the IT service desk at 612.343.4170 or submitting a ticket. 

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