Manage Passwords in Keychain Access for MacOS


This article outlines how to manage locally stored passwords in Keychain Access for MacOS.

Open Keychain Access

  1. Press Command + Space to open Spotlight
  2. Alternatively, you may click on the Magnifying Glass in the top-right corner of the screen
  3. Type Keychain
  4. Click on the Keychain Access Icon to open the password manager

Remove Local Passwords

  1. Click login on the left sidebar

  1. If login is locked, click the Lock Icon on the top-left of the window

  1. If prompted, enter your keychain password
  2. Click OK
  3. Once the keychain is unlocked, find the desired password(s) to delete
  4. Right/two-finger click on the desired password entry
  5. Click Delete

  1. Click Delete again when prompted with a pop-up window
  2. The password has now been successfully removed from Keychain Access

Remove iCloud Passwords

  1. Click iCloud on the left sidebar
  2. The keychain should already be unlocked by default
  3. Right click on the desired password entry
  4. Click Delete
  5. Click Delete again when prompted with a pop-up window
  6. The password has now been successfully removed from iCloud Keychain Access

Edit Local Passwords

  1. Double click on the desired password entry
  2. Check the Show password box

  1. If prompted, enter your keychain password
  2. Click Allow

  1. Edit the password
  2. Click Save Changes
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Article ID: 71156
Wed 1/30/19 11:43 AM
Tue 5/14/19 1:34 PM