How To: Delete Profiles on a Windows Computer

If we need to delete a bunch of profiles on a NCU owned Windows computer, such as when the hard drive gets filled up, this is the process to do so:

  1. Log into the computer with your NCU username and password.
  2. Navigate to S:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools. 
    1. This address can be typed in the URL bar of a File Explorer Window. 
  3. Copy the 'delprof' application to the desktop
  4. Right click on the Start Menu and select 'Command Prompt (Admin)'
  5. Select 'Yes' in the dialogue box.
  6. Type cd c:\users\YOUR USERNAME\desktop
  7. Type delprof /Q/I
  8. After completion, close out all windows and log out of computer.

It will look something like this while running:

r; Prcmpt - 
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Vi n yst em32>P: ĂdeIprof / Q fl

This will take a long time to run. Feel free to lock the computer and come back in like 30 minutes.

We need to do it like this because this will also delete all the registry keys, system settings, etc. We need to delete more than just the files, otherwise it will create a temporary profile in their name, and that is bad.