Connecting to NCU Wi-Fi - Chromebook

Connecting your Chromebook

  1. Go to your device's Wi-Fi settings.

  2. Look for available networks and select NCU-Secure. Click Connect

  3. For EAP Method, select PEAP.

  4. For EAP Phase 2 authentication, select MSCHAPv2

  5. For Server CA Certificate: select Default.

  6. For Identity, enter your normal North Central username (not your full email address).

  7. Under Password: enter your NCU Password.

  8. Click Connect.



If you receive a message that says Error configuring network. Re-attempt to enter your password, then reconnect. If you receive the error again, completely power off your Chromebook, turn it back on, then re-attempt to connect. 

If you continue to experience issues, please bring your device to the IT Service Desk located on 2nd floor Miller. 

Need assistance?

If you need assistance, please submit an IT service request

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Article ID: 123735
Wed 1/6/21 8:57 AM
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