OVERVIEW - Teaching, Learning, & Advising Software at NCU

Overview of various software platforms that are used for teaching, learning, & advising at North Central.

Software List

Software Quick Description
Akademos The university's official digital bookstore. 
Campus Labs Course evaluation platform.
Canvas (Courses) The official learning management system (LMS) of NCU. Frequently called Canvas or Courses.
Courses (Canvas) The official learning management system (LMS) of NCU. Frequently called Canvas or Courses.
Colleague (Ellucian) The official ERP of the NCU.
Gather Event and space management. Room schedules are automatically synced from Colleague.
Moodle NCU's previous LMS.
Panopto Video capture and video content management platform.  Can be used as a stand alone product for any use. Integrated into Canvas.
Salesforce Official client relationship management platform of university.  Houses Student Success Hub, Skyline, and many other university services.
Self-Service (Colleague) The "front end" of Colleague.  Used for registering for courses, degree audit, managing finances, and many other processes.
Skyline The official employee and student portal of NCU. Skyline runs on Salesforce.
Student Success Hub A Salesforce application dedicated to advising, retention, and student success.
TeamDynamix (TDX) A service management platform that houses service request for many university departments and services.
Turnitin The official plagarism check for NCU.  Integrated into Canvas.
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Article ID: 147395
Mon 9/25/23 10:24 AM
Thu 10/5/23 9:44 PM