Learn how to create alerts in Student Success Hub. Alerts help support staff stay on top of concerns about grades, attendance, and other areas that impact student success. Every alert is related to a Student Record case and to the student contact associated with the case.
Learn how to create alerts in Student Success Hub. Alerts help support staff stay on top of concerns about grades, attendance, and other areas that impact student success. Every alert is related to a Student Record case and to the student contact associated with the case.
Creating an Alert
1 - Click on the drop down arrow.
2 - Click Cases.
3 - Click Select a List View.
4 - Click All Open Cases.
5 - Select a Case.
6 - Click New On Unresolved Alerts.
7 - Select the appropriate record type.
8 - Click Next.
9 - Select the appropriate Status.
10 - Select the appropriate Priority.
11 - Select the appropriate Reason.
12 - Click Save.
13 - Verify that a new Alert record was created.
14 - Navigate back to the Case record.
15 - Verify that you can see the Alert on the Case record.