This article will go step by step through the Account Setup Process for new students.
The account set up process can be started by navigating to
Setting up the Account
First-time students will need to set up their NCU account before they are able to access NCU resources, services, and websites.
1. Navigate to
2. Click the blue Claim Account button

3. Enter Username. (FirstName.LastName)

4. Enter Personal Email address associated with Application and Student ID number.

5.Set your new password .
- At least 1 lowercase letter.
- At least 1 Uppercase letter.
- At least 1 Number or Symbol.
- 12 Characters in length.
- Name cannot be in password.
- No previous passwords can be used

6. Your Account has now been claimed. The following confirms you have completed the claim of your account.
Note: you can only claim your account once.