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    All new student are required to claim their account before they can access North Central Services and Websites.
    North Central utilizes multi-factor Authentication (MFA) for all users, including faculty, staff, adjuncts, and students. Learn how to set up MFA using the Microsoft Authenticator.
    Resetting and changing your password
    A North Central University account will be locked after multiple incorrect login attempts. Account lockouts are most generally caused by additional devices (typically phones and tablets) that have outdated password information for wireless and email accounts.
    What to do when logging in for the first time after July 1 2020
    NCU account names are based on your legal name as it appears on official university records. Active faculty, staff, or students can request a username change under certain circumstances.
    This article describes the best practices and security considerations for the Password Must Meet Complexity Requirements security policy setting. Complexity requirements are enforced when passwords are changed or created.
    To ensure that employee and student Login credentials are protected and access to North Central data is appropriate, Information Technology reminds all users to log off their smartphones, tablets, laptops, and shared desktops instead of just exiting an application when finished with it.