If you will be out of your office for an extended period of time, you can setup your phone to forward all incoming calls on your primary line to another number. Your primary line is the first line that appears on the phone set. Forward is for on-campus numbers only.
Setting Up Forwarding
- With handset off-hook, press the CF-AllCalls button in the menu. This stands for Call Forwarding - All calls.
- You may need to hit the Scroll button until you see the CF-AllCalls options.
- Dial the number that you wish to forward all your calls to.
- If you are forwarding to an external line, ensure you are including 9 at the beginning of the number, otherwise the calls will not be forwarded.
- Display will read "Forward Set". All calls are now forwarded. Fwd button will stay lit as an indicator.
- To cancel forwarding, pick up handset, press CF-AllCalls, display will read "Forward Cancel"
Note - if your phone is forwarded, but a call is not answered, it will roll back to your voicemail (not the extension where it is forwarded)
Locating the Call Forwarding Button
Each model of phone may have the Call Forwarding button in a different location. Examine the image below to determine your phone's model and how to locate the CF--allcalls button.
For the phones pictured above, the Call Forwarding button will be located within the square LCD Screen. The CF-allcalls button may be located on a separate page on the screen. To change the page, simply locate the Scroll button to toggle between the different menus until you locate the CF-allcalls button.

The phone pictured above is a paper-labeled phone. The labels must be manually labeled, but are still programmed by the IT Department. One of the 16 buttons above the number keys should be labeled CF-AllCalls or Forward.
If you are still unable to find the button to forward your calls, please submit a ticket to the IT Department to have your phone reprogrammed.
Need Assistance?
If you are having issues placing calls, please fill out a service request.