Remove Mistyped Email Address from Android Outlook App


The Outlook Android app saves email address as they are entered by the users.  Unfortunately, sometimes a user may type in an email address incorrectly.  This can sometimes lead to selecting a mistyped email address and sending to it.  When this happens, the mail might go to the wrong user or it might be returned as undeliverable. To remedy this, it is possible for Android to to remove incorrect or mistyped Outlook contacts using the steps below.

How to remove an email address:

  1. Log into the Outlook Web App at or 
  2. Start a new email and begin typing the recipients whose emails need to be removed. When Autocomplete displays the entries you want to remove, click the X at the end of each entry to delete them.
  3. Allow 24 hours for Microsoft to sync the deleted Autocomplete entries across their infrastructure.

After waiting the full 24 hours, continue with the steps below:

  1. Open the Outlook App on the Android Device. Open the Settings menu by tapping the gear icon in the upper-right corner.
  2. Select the email account then Reset Account.
  3. Open Settings on the Android Device.
  4. Select App settings then select the Outlook App.
  5. Select Storage then Clear the Cache.