Overview: Grading Assignments in Moodle

The View/grade all submissions page for a Moodle assignment activity allows you to do several important grading functions. Grades entered on this page will appear in the corresponding grade column of the gradebook. We recommend grading Assignments from this page, rather than manually entering grades in the Grader report, especially if you want to provide feedback as online text comments or in files.

  • When Offline grading worksheet is enabled in the assignment activity settings, you can also download and upload a spreadsheet to input grades and feedback comments. 
  • When Blind grading is enabled, student submissions are anonymous until grading is completed.
  • For large classes and classes with more than one instructor, Grading workflow and/or Grading allocation may be useful. 

For help with all grading options, contact the Office of Instructional Design (InstructionalDesign@northcentral.edu).

View Submissions

To begin grading, you can access student submissions from the View/Grade all submissions page.

  1. On your course page, click the name of an Assignment activity. The Assignment page opens and displays the description of the assignment and a summary of submissions.
  2. Below the summary, click View/grade all submissions. The View/grade all submissions page will open.
  3. The View/grade all submissions page displays a table showing student names when submissions were last modified, and links to the submissions.
    • To view and grade individual submissions, under the Grade column heading, click Grade. The Grading page will open showing the full text of Online text submissions and links to download submitted files.
    • You can also open submissions directly from the View/grade all submissions page. This is most convenient if you have Quick grading enabled:
      • For File submissions: Under the File submissions column heading, click the file name. You will be prompted to save the file to your computer.
      • For Online text submissions: Under the Online text column heading, click the magnifying glass icon (above the text excerpt in the grading table). The full-text submission will open in a new window.

Download Student Submissions

Moodle offers several different ways for downloading student work, including downloading all submissions, selected submissions, or individually. 

Enter Grades and Feedback for One Student at a Time

You can view each student's submission, and enter grades and feedback on individualized pages. This method ensures feedback is saved after you review each student's submission.
Note: Use this method if you are grading Online text submissions, grading with Rubrics or Marking Forms, or if there is more than one instructor or TA grading the assignment.

  1. On your course page, click the name of an Assignment activity. The Assignment page will open and display the description of the assignment and a summary of submissions.
  2. Below the summary, click View/grade all submissions. The View/Grade all submissions page for the assignment will open.
  3. Below the Submissions table, under the Options heading, are settings that let you control which students to show in the table:
    • To change the number of students shown on the page, select a value from the Assignments per page drop-down menu.
    • To filter the table to show only those students with submissions or submissions that require grading, use the Filter drop-down menu.
    • As you set options, the page will automatically refresh to reflect changes.
    • If there is more than one page of students, below the table, you'll see links with Page numbers, Next, and Previous.
  4. To grade a student's submission, in the Grade column for the student, click Grade. The Grading page will open.
  5. On the Grading page for each student, you will be able to view online text (if enabled), download submitted files, enter and reply to Submission comments, enter Feedback comments, upload Feedback files, and grade the submission.
    • For online text submissions, the page opens to show information about the status and due date, with a full view of the student's submission. To collapse the online text area, click the [-] above the entry. To expand it click the [+].
    • If you are grading with Rubrics or a Marking form, a form will be displayed on the grading page.
  6. Complete your entries as needed, then:
    • To save entries, click Save changes.
      • To notify students of a grade change via email, click the Notify students checkbox before saving entries.
    • To remove entries made in the current grading view, click Reset.
    • To view the submission of another student, use the arrow buttons or the Change user drop-down menu to select a student.

Enter Grades and Feedback for Multiple Students at Once

Quick grading lets you enter grades and feedback for multiple students directly on the View/grade submissions page. This method is not compatible with Grading with Rubrics or Marking forms ) and is not recommended for online text submissions. 

  1. On your course page, click the name of an assignment activity. The Assignment page will open and display the description of the assignment and a summary of submissions.
  2. Below the summary, click View/grade all submissions. The Submissions page will open displaying the Submissions table, with a row for each student, and columns determined by the settings for the assignment.
  3. To be able to enter grades and feedback directly on the Submissions table, below the tableunder Options, select the Quick grading checkbox.
    Note: Once you select the Quick grading option, Moodle will remember the setting the next time you open this Submission screen.
  4. Also under Options, are settings to control which submissions show in the table:
    • To filter the table to show only those students with submissions or submissions that require grading, use the Filter drop-down menu.
    • To change the number of students shown on the page, use the Assignments per page drop-down menu.
      Note: If there is more than one page of students, below the table, you'll see links with Page numbers, Next, and Previous.
    As you set these options, the page will automatically refresh to reflect changes.
  5. (Optional) To make the Submissions table more compact, you can "collapse" columns you are not using at the moment:
    • To collapse a column, at the top of the column, under the column name, click Hide [-]. The screen will refresh with the column collapsed.
    • To reopen a collapsed column, click Show [+] above the column you wish to show.
  6. Enter grades in the boxes under the Grade column heading. Scroll right in the table to find boxes under the Feedback comments column heading and type in your feedback. Once you've input student grades and feedback for this page of students, click Save all quick grading changes to save your work. To notify students of a grade change via email, select Yes in the Notify students drop-down menu before saving changes.
    Important: You must click Save all quick grading changes before navigating to another page or you will lose any grades or feedback comments.

Grant Extensions Beyond The Cut-off Date

Ordinarily, students cannot submit their work beyond the assignment's cut-off date (if enabled). However, you can grant individual students an extension as follows:

  1. On your course page, click the name of an Assignment activity. The Assignment page will open and display the description of the assignment and a summary of submissions.
  2. Below the summary, click View/grade all submissions. The Submissions page will open.
  3. The Submissions page displays the Submissions table, with a row for each student, and columns determined by the settings for the assignment. Under the Edit column heading, click Edit in the row corresponding to the student for whom you want to grant an extension. A menu will pop open under the link:
  4. Click Grant extension. The Grant extension page will open.
  5. Select the Enable checkbox next to the Extension due date and use the drop-down menus to specify the new due date.
  6. Click Save changes. The Submissions page will open and the extension will be reflected under the Status column heading for that student.
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