Spam Identification and Filtering

North Central utilizes Microsoft's Exchange Online Protection (EOP) for protecting your email from spam, viruses, and phishing attempts. While EOP is effective, it cannot catch everything; therefore, it is important to be vigilant and use caution when opening emails.

EOP works by scanning and scoring incoming email before it is delivered to your mailbox. Depending on the score, the message may be delivered to your Inbox, Junk Email folder, Quarantine, or outright rejected.

Checking your quarantine

You can review quarantined messages in two ways: 

Exchange Online Protection will send out an e-mail periodically with a listing of flagged messages. This message will contain links that will let you release the message to your inbox or report it as not junk.

Exchange Online Protection also features a web site that lets you review quarantined messages to make sure no legitimate messages have been flagged as spam. You can also use this interface to identify senders that should not be flagged in the future if for some reason messages from them have wound up in quarantine. Click  Quarantine Center to go directly to the quarantine center.


Faculty and staff can request this service.

Requesting Assistance

Click the Request Service button to request assistance or to report an issue your quarantine or spam.



Request Service

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