FERPA Authorization & FERPA PIN Form

FERPA NOTICE: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) governs the release of educational records maintained by an institution of higher education, along with access to student records, including requests for information from parents, guardians, spouses or others as designated by the student. Without a student’s written consent, North Central University may not disclose information about a student’s educational records, except as permitted under FERPA.

To grant specific individuals access to your educational records, please complete this form. Confidential information that can be shared with those authorized by the student is limited to the following offices. Please note that these authorizations do not extend to Deans, faculty advisors or instructors.

  • Student Financial Services: Account balance, Financial Aid documents and aid awards/scholarships
  • Registrar’s Office: Academic records (i.e. grades)
  • Residence life: Housing matters
  • Student Development: Conduct concerns
  • Student Success Center: Academic concerns and accommodations

In order to comply with FERPA regulations safeguarding educational records, a unique identifying code will be required prior to giving out any confidential information to either the student or those authorized to receive information over the phone. Those authorized will be required to provide the student’s name, their relationship to the student and the FERPA PIN.

Any caller who does not have the FERPA PIN will need to contact the student for this information. If the student has forgotten their PIN, they will need to contact the Registrar’s Office at onestop@northcentral.edu using their secure NCU Email Account. FERPA PINs will not be given out over the phone.

FERPA PIN: Select a number or code word that can easily be remembered by you and whoever you authorize (minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 8).

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