How To: Leave Feedback on a Knowledge Base Article


After you've read through an article, let us know if the information was helpful or not. Your feedback is invaluable to the Knowledge Base's success! If you find the information is out of date, we're asking for your help to please use this link if you want to submit a ticket to update the Knowledge Base article with the correct information.

How can I leave feedback?

You must be signed into the IT self service site to leave feedback on an article.

  • If you are not signed in, you can click the Sign in to leave feedback link at the bottom of the article.

  • Once you are signed in, you will be asked to answer the question "Was this helpful?" Click Yes or No to let us know whether the article helped you or not.​​​​​​​

Choosing either option allows you to leave additional feedback. Please leave us some feedback on any article that did not help you. Let us know why the article was unhelpful (Is it missing information? Was the information incorrect? Was the information unclear?). The more information you provide, the better we can serve you and the NCU community.

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