IT Service Site - (TeamDynamix)

TeamDynamix (TDX) is a service management tool that is utilized by IT to serve the North Central community.

Categories (1)

IT Service Site How Tos

How to articles on how to use common TeamDynamix features and components.

Articles (7)

Pinned Article TeamDynamix Maintenance Schedule

TeamDynamix, the vendor that hosts this site and the ticket and project system used by technicians, performs regular maintenance at the following times.

Can't Find Your Answer?

Can't find your answer in the Knowledge Base? Learn how to submit article information and suggestions to help our continuous improvements for the Knowledge Base.

Client View of Tickets

How requestors, contacts, and other users can view ticket information.

Emails from the IT Service Site

There are several reasons why you may receive an email from the IT client portal (TeamDynamix).

Permission Denied for IT Service Site

What to do if you receive a permission denied error message while trying to access an article or service on the IT client portal.

Use the Service Catalog to Submit a Ticket

Getting help or requesting a service. An introduction to using the Service Catalog in the IT client portal.

Why does IT ask me to submit a request/ticket?

IT will often request that you submit a ticket if you contact us directly with a request.