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    These instructions are for university-owned devices. To print from a personal device, you will need to follow instructions for Mobile Print. Printing, scanning, and copying can all be done at one of the many Canon copiers around campus.
    Employees and students are able to send a print job to one of our Canon printers from any device that can send an email (e.g. laptop, tablet, or smartphone.)
    How to add a printer to your device
    When you print Microsoft Outlook calendars, details for calendar items marked as private using the steps below are omitted. These items appear only with the description Private Appointment.
    Use this function when you want to print a calendar without any of your meetings or appointments. Use the print options to customize the date range and print styles.
    Wireless printing is a common feature on newer printers However, these personal printers broadcast wireless networks that interfere with NCU's wireless network.