How To: Add a Printer To Your Computer


Sometimes, you may need access to a specific printer that is already on your machine. This article will walk you through the steps of adding the printer to your device. This applies to NCU issued machines, as personal machines are unable to connect to our printers. They can, however, connect to the big copiers. 


In order to add a printer onto an NCU Laptop, you first need to browse to the print network. This will then display a list of all the printers that you can connect to. The steps on how to do so are listed below.

1. Open a new File Explorer Window (push Windows + E).

2. In the long bar at the top, type \\

3. This will display a list of printers. Locate the one you need to connect to and double click on it to begin connecting. 

Hint: The Name of the printer is based on the Model that the printer is. If you are unsure which printer to connect to, look at the Model Number on the printer and match it with the model number within the list. 


All Mac printers are located within Self Service. Simply search for "printer" in the search bar, then locate the printer you need to install. 

1. Open Self Service. Search for Print in the search bar, and locate the printer you wish to install.

2. Select the Install Printer button. This will add the device to your machine under then name FLAWLESS.


3. IT recommends right-clicking on the printer and selecting Set as Default. If the old printer on LAPIS is still in here, it may be best to remove this one. 

4. You should now be able to print to the new printer. 

5. The Printer may get stuck and ask for your credentials. If the job is not printing, look in your dock for a printer icon with a notification. Select it, then click the arrow to prompt you to enter your credentials.


Requesting Assistance

If you need assistance with printing or installing a printer, please Submit a request.