Technology Recycling and Media Destruction

When it's time to upgrade your electronic devices, the technology recycling program makes it easy and convenient for you to responsibly dispose of old university devices. By responsibly recycling your electronic devices through this program, you're protecting yourself and the ecosystem from harmful toxins. Anytime electronic devices are thrown into landfills, there's the potential to leak harmful substances that can affect the environment.

Media destruction

Besides protecting the environment, recycling your electronic devices keeps your data and personal information safe. With this program, the technicians will completely wipe or destroy your hard drive, so there's no risk of confidential university information or your personal information remaining.

The campus technology recycling program accepts computers, non-working computers, laptops, monitors, keyboards, modems, printers, and scanners.


Staff and faculty can use this service  This service is only applicable to university-owned devices.

Requesting assistance

To request this service or to find out more about this service, click Request Service and complete the request form.

Request Service

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