Course Variance

Tags registrar

Variance implies "a substitution of coursework taken at North Central University" whereby permission is granted jointly by the Department Chair(s) and the Registrar for one course to equivocally take the place of another in one’s prescribed program. To be eligible, the course taken must meet the following requirements:

  • The course taken must meet the minimum course level of the required courses. Only upper level courses (300-400) can be varianced for upper level degree requirements, such as BIBL 335 for BIBL 472. Lower level courses (100-200) can be varianced by any level course (100-400).
  • Course variances within the General Education Core or Christian Studies Core require approval from both the Advisor and the Department Chair of the required course. This is to ensure that North Central complies with all accreditation and Department of Education regulations.
  • Course variances within the major core require Dean/Director approval. All variances actually have be approved by the Dean/Director.

Verbal agreements or promises to individuals are NOT sufficient to constitute a Variance. An approved Course Variance Form must be on file in the student’s record in order for it to be considered valid. Approved Variance Forms will be held on file in the Registrar’s Office as part of the student’s permanent record. Only courses with passing grades will be processed as variances. They will be indicated as such on the student’s Degree Audit sheet by the Registrar’s Office. A Course Variance Form is valid for no more than one term past the approval date. If for any reason, a student is unable to register for the approved class within one term, the form will be shredded and a new form will have to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

Department Chairs
Bible & Theological Studies Dr. Allen Tennison
Business & Technology Bill Tibbets
Communications Desiree Libengood
Education Gail Weinhold
Graduate Studies Dr. Renea Brathwaite
Intercultural Studies Dr. Nan Muhovich
Music & Theatre Larry Bach
Pastoral Ministries Lon Flippo
Social & Behavioral Sciences Mallory Knipe
Worship Arts Dr. Vinnie Zarletti


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