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Use this form to be reinstated into course after the Add period for a semester has closed.

This form is to be submitted by faculty member.

This form serves to process such requests and may also be used to remove a previously requested privacy block on directory information.

Graduate programs for undergraduate students - 30-credit Master of Arts in Strategic Leadership or 36-credit Master of Arts in Biblical Theology

Use this petition to request any exception to policy not already covered by a more specific form.

Please enter the course code that you wish to take that will put you over 18 credits (BUS-161).

Use this form to change your major or minor.

This form is to be submitted by faculty member.

This form is to be submitted by faculty member.

Use this form to add a second major to your program.

This form is to be submitted by a faculty member when a student has exceeded skips in a class.

Use this form if you want to petition being dropped from a class due to excessive absences.

Use this form to change your advisor.

This form can only be submitted by a faculty member.