Excessive Absence Notification

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Please see the most current Academic Catalog at Academic Catalog - North Central University for the full class attendance policy

For all 100 and 200 level courses, the following standards will apply:

Class Meets Credit Value Absences Allowed
3x/Week 4 9
2x/Week 3-4 6
2x/Week 2 4
2x/Week 3-4 6
1x/Week 2-3 3
1x/Week 1 2
Weekends 3-4 1

For 300, 400 and graduate-level courses, the instructors shall have the right to set any policy they choose, as long as it is not more stringent than allowing one classroom hour of absence for each credit.

For Online classes, excessive absence is an absence from online activity that totals more than two calendar weeks after week 1.

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