Directed Research Application

Tags registrar

This independent study program is designed to enable seniors (more than 90 credits) in residency with extenuating circumstances to complete degree requirements. Students must be in excellent academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in order to be eligible for this independent study option. Students should work with their advisor and the Office of the Registrar to find an alternate course substitution if the required course will not be offered again prior to graduation. Directed research courses are only to be requested once all other options have been explored. 

General education and minor core requirements are not eligible for directed research.

Students are limited to the maximum of 12 credit hours in their total program--6 credits in any single term.

Approval and fees

Course registration becomes official once the directed research application form, with all requisite approvals, is approved by the Registrar.  Payment of the entire amount of tuition plus directed research fees of $100 per credit is required before beginning course work. All course work must be completed within the time frame of the semester in which it is initiated.  Directed research fees are non-refundable. 

This form must be submitted no later than the last day to add a class.


Start Form

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