FERPA Block Request Form

Under FERPA, directory information relating to the student is considered public information unless the student requests in writing that it be kept confidential. This form serves to process such requests and may also be used to remove a previously requested privacy block on directory information. The University designates the personally identifiable information contained in a Student’s Educational Record listed below as “Directory Information”:

1. Name 7. Academic awards and honors
2. Home address, phone number, and NCU email address 8. Degrees conferred (including dates)
3. Dates of attendance 9. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
4. Class standing (FR, SO, JR, SR) 10. Weight and height, if a member of an athletic team
5. Current enrollment status (full-time/part-time) 11. Photograph
6. Major  

When the Office of the University Registrar receives a student’s refusal to permit the release of “Directory Information”, no further disclosures of directory information are made without the student’s written consent (except to parties who have legal access to student records without written consent). Note that the following procedure applies: Access to a student’s educational records may be required and permitted by University faculty and staff for legitimate educational purposes where access by such individuals is necessary to complete University-related duties.

Please consider very carefully the consequences of any decision by you to withhold Directory Information.

Information that you are a student here will be suppressed, even after graduation. If a loan company, prospective employer or another educational institution submits an enrollment verification or degree confirmation request, they will be informed that we have no record of you attending the University

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