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    When an appointment or meeting is marked private, other people can't see the details of the item. If you share your Calendar, Contacts, or Tasks folders with one or more people who have Read permissions, the Private feature will not prevent them from seeing the details of your appointments.
    How to add a printer to your device
    Extends the primary desktop to the display currently selected. Requires at least 2 displays.
    In many application with a Print option, you can make a PDF file. You simply choose the Microsoft Print to PDF from the list of printer choices.
    If you need to contact the IT Service Desk for assistance, you may be asked to provide the device name for your computer. All campus computers are given a unique computer name, and this name should appear on a label located somewhere on your computer.
    Learn how to create a NCU email signature in Outlook.
    Sometimes, you may want to change the default application that Windows uses to open a specific filetype. This article explains how to change the default application that Windows 10 launches when you open a file.
    Learn how to take various types of screenshots on your macOS device. Screenshots can often assist the IT Service Desk in troubleshooting user issues.
    Files with .vcs (vCalendar) and .ics (iCalendar) extensions contain information about events or appointments that can be imported into a calendar or scheduling program.
    When users are experiencing printer issues on a Windows computer, re-installing their printer drivers is a good troubleshooting step to try.
    The "trust relationship" error means that your workstation is having trouble communicating with the network domain controller.