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    Learn how to send an email from within Salesforce Student Success Hub, making sure the email is related to the student's advising case.
    Learn how to add or edit your email signature within Salesforce Student Success Hub.
    Although your first instinct may be to ignore or delete suspicious emails, we recommend that you report them to our security team. IT will examine the email and advise you of any further steps you may need to take.
    Phishing attacks and other email scams take advantage of personal and professional relationships, organizational hierarchies, and human curiosities — information that is now readily available through social media and professional networking websites.
    Add an auto reply to a shared or managed mailbox
    Shared Mailboxes and Calendars allow multiple people to receive email sent to a group address and manage a group calendar.
    There are several reasons why you may receive an email from the IT client portal (TeamDynamix).
    How to add an attachment to a new or existing ticket.
    You can comment on or update your ticket(s) in the IT client portal or by responding to tickets via notification emails.
    Learn how to set up your student Gmail on an iOS device (iPhone or iPad)
    Learn how to setup your student Gmail on your Android device.
    Learn how to create a NCU email signature in Outlook.
    Email headers contain tracking information for an individual email, detailing the path a message took as it went through various mail servers (e.g.  time-stamps, IP addresses, and sender/recipient information.)
    By default, NCU users can see your free/busy calendar.  However, if you want a specific person to be able to see your calendar in greater detail, follow this guide.
    Learn how to set up your NCU email on your favorite iOS device.