How To: Comment On/Update a Ticket or Reply to a Ticket by Email


You can comment on or update your ticket(s) in the IT service site or by responding to tickets via notification emails.

Commenting on a ticket

  1. Sign into the IT service site using your NCU credentials.
  2. From the Home page, find the ticket you wish to update. For help, view the Check the Status of Your Ticket article.
  3. Below the ticket description, click Comment.
  4. This will expand the Feed section to allow you to add a comment.
  5. Type your comment and then click on the Notification field. Select the person (or people) you wish to notify. To notify the technician working your ticket, select the person whose name is followed by the word 'responsible.'
  6. Click Save. The person you selected will be notified that you have left a comment and the comment will display in your ticket's feed.

Replying to a Ticket Email

You can reply directly to ticket email notifications received from new ticket requests, ticket comments or updates.

If you are the ticket creator you can use the TDClient link at the bottom of the email to view the ticket Comment Feed, including who was notified. Only Public comments will show in this feed. If you do not see the information you received in the email in the Comment Feed section of your ticket, the comment is set to Private (only visible to IT service desk staff). If you responded to an email and do not see your information, most likely the original comment was Private.

You can only reply to the emails within 60 days of your tickets created date.  This setting cannot be changed.

How to reply to a ticket (or other notification) email

  1. Find the email sent from commenter name <>. If you have multiple tickets open, check the subject line to make sure the email is in regards to the correct ticket.
  2. Click Reply
  1. Type your comment at the top of the email. Do not add text below the header of the original email (i.e., anywhere in the blue fields of the ticket text).
  2. Click Send. Your comment will post in the ticket and send an email notification to all parties included in the original message.

How do I update a ticket? (IT staff only)

If you are an IT staff member, you can also update the ticket from the Home page.

  1. Sign in to the IT service site using your NCU credentials.
  2. From the Home page, find the ticket you wish to update. For help, view the Check the Status of Your Ticket article.
  3. Below the ticket description, click Update.
  4. This will bring up a new screen. From this screen, you can add a comment, change the enhancement request category or change the type of enhancement. Most often, the last two fields will not need to be updated. Those fields are determined when the ticket is created.
  5. If you leave a comment, click on the Notification field and select the person responsible for the ticket. This will be noted by the word "Responsible" after the name.
  6. After you make your updates, click Save. The person responsible for your ticket will be notified that you have left a comment and the comment will display in your ticket's feed.
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