If you find yourself requesting the same services over and over, you may want to "Favorite" them so they are easier to locate when you need them.
Favoriting Your Most Requested Services
- Sign In to IT service site
- Navigate to the service that you want to favorite.
- Click the Add to Favorites button.

- To see the services that you've added to favorites, click Services and then navigate to the My Favorite submenu.

Removing a Service From Your Favorites
- Sign In to IT service site
- Navigate to the service that you want to remove from your favorites.
- Click the Remove from Favorites button on the right-hand side of the service page.

- Verify that the service is no longer listed under My Favorite Services.
Can’t access a favorite service?
If you’re trying to access a service page link and see an error message, make sure you’re signed in to the IT service site. Some service pages are restricted to signed-in NCU users.
If you’re still not able to access a service from your Favorites list, the service was either removed or replaced. We are continually improving our services and making sure the available services are up to date. If you believe there is a broken link or have a question about a removed service page, please submit a ticket.