G Suite is a set of cloud-based tools developed by Google. G Suite includes services like Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, and more.
It is possible to share your Google Calendar with others. However, the only way to let people who don't have Google Calendar view your calendar is to make it public.
You can create a new calendar and invite other people to view or edit it. When you create an event, you'll see an option pick which calendar you want to add it to.
By default, your Google calendar is set to automatically add invitations to your calendar whether you respond and accept/reject the invitation. This setting can be changed.
Getting started with Google Drive (includes links to Google Drive's support sites)
G Suite comes with a built-in chat feature that lets you communicate in real time to other users. By default, the Chat feature in your Google account is on.
In G Suite, you can organize the people in Contacts using labels.
You can transfer your events from a different calendar application or important a calendar from a file.
Learn how to setup your student Gmail on your Android device.
Learn how to set up your student Gmail on an iOS device (iPhone or iPad)
You can share a Google Calendar with a Google Group or with another user.
Email headers contain tracking information for an individual email, detailing the path a message took as it went through various mail servers (e.g. time-stamps, IP addresses, and sender/recipient information.)
This article will help you to sign in to multiple Gmail accounts at one time.