Popular Services

Report an issue or submit an FM maintenance request!

Use this petition to request any exception to policy not already covered by a more specific form.

Use this service to request a university account. Typically, this includes faculty, adjuncts, staff, student workers, staff partners, vendor employees, and other types of accounts.This form MUST be submitted by someone at the director level or above.

Use this form to Add or Drop a class after the first day of the term.

Use this form to submit request/changes related to student employees.

The Housekeeping Department provides custodial and janitorial services for the university. These services include tasks such as general cleaning, vacuuming, carpet cleaning, disinfection, and trash/recycling removal.

Use this form to change your major or minor.

MAC Address registration for wireless connections is only available for media and other devices (smart, game consoles, etc.) All wired device require device registration.

This form can only be submitted by a faculty member.

Canvas (Courses) is North Central University's learning management system. Courses is used for the creation, managing and delivering learning content as well as communication with students and tracking their performance.

Please use this service request to communicate any issues with payroll whether it is a past payroll or a future payroll. This would include items like incorrect deductions, pay changes, extra pay requests, etc. If you are sending a pay change for an employee, please attach your fully approved payroll status change form.

This form is to be submitted by faculty member.

Use this form to request permission changes, access requests, report requests, or dataset requests for Informer.

To promote interest in post-secondary academic teaching ministry, select students who demonstrate excellence within the college academic environment are provided the opportunity for involvement as a Teaching Assistant.

Employees must complete an Employee Tuition Discount Application with supervisor approval each semester in order to receive the benefit.

Application Deadlines for Employees:

-Fall Semester – July 1
-Spring Semester – November 15
-Summer Semester – March 15

Please use this form to process any change in an employee’s status, cost number, title, or pay. This form should not be used for Student Employees, please use the “Student Hire/Payroll Form

Please fill out this form with the information of the person who will be receiving the keys. After you submit this form, an email will be sent to the person who has been authorized to approve key requests for the area(s) you list.

This form is to be submitted by faculty member.

Request a new generic email address to be used for a department, club, committee, or another purpose.

Microsoft Teams is a centralised hub for communication and collaboration within a team, department or student group, allowing you to share content and access other apps.

Your North Central credentials are used for accessing university computers, email, services, and networks. Use this service to report issues with your account or to request changes for an existing North Central University employee, student worker, or to request changes to a current employee's network access due to a change of department or responsibilities. 

Do not use this form to request new accounts.

Course Access, Minor Changes, Canvas, & Faculty Support

Requests and issues involving email/calendaring within Office 365, the Outlook client, or Gmail.

Use this form to change your advisor.